When we use words like ‘magic’ or ‘karma’, we draw from collective knowledge.


Lore, legend and myth are told in stories that can be seen in patterns throughout history. Words, as well as the stories they create, act as symbols. People pour meaning into them as their own identity. When we accept that two things can be right at once, we must also accept it’s history.

In this story Let’s Call it Karma, we use an agnostic system. Meaning, there is no GM. ‘There is Magic in the World’ is a game system with very little mechanic rules. The story relies on one central conflict- why is death magic bad? All the characters are tied to it.

In a city where everything exists, and everyone has magic, but only communities can create magic- this game will show-case the value of grassroot movements, shared labor and tolerance.

Suitable for players that wish to practice creating, collaborating and building community.


Quest Actual Play